I have started picking up the books my Uncle Jack McClenaghan wrote during the 60's and 70's. I have three of the four, Ice Admiral, Travelling Man and Fiordland, I would really like to find Moving Target.
Ice Admiral, Travelling Man and Moving target are fiction and Fiordland non-fiction.
The general plot run down is as follows:
Travelling Man (did not really enjoy this when I read it at age 19, maybe when I re-read it later on.)
Our main character is just a guy who wanders around New Zealand during the depression, he does odd jobs, and encounters people around the country, for a while he is a whiskey runner in Invercargill during the prohibition.
Ice Admiral. (I enjoyed this one) The titular Admiral Canaris, is assigned to McMurdo base in Antarctica. During winter one of the guys gets appendicitis and needs to be flown out. In the 60's this was rather dangerous and so the tension grows.
Moving Target. (Loved this one) The movie rights for this were sold but nothing came of it. Back in the war war 2 days a good old kiwi bloke joins up but get annoyed at the yelling and pointless nature of the training so he leaves and goes bush. Deciding to make an example of him so no others go AWOL they army hunt him down. Parts of it sort of reminds me of Rambo - First Blood except without the killing and explosions and stuff.
Fiordland is as you'd guess is a book on the history and the province of Fiordland.
I'll write some more detailed reviews after reading each book, at the moment I'm on Ice Admiral.
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