Lets start with the Truth shall we…
In John chapter 18 Jesus and Pontius Pilate were talking. Jesus had been brought to Pilate to be given the death sentence and, for what ever motives, Pilate was trying to get Jesus released. In the discussion Jesus says that His kingdom is not of this world. To this Pontius says. “You are a king then!” Jesus Answered “you are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
“What is Truth?” Pilate asked. Jesus did not answer at that time. I wonder sometimes what inflection Pontius put into his voice with that question.. was it sneering? Was it seeking or maybe it was sarcasm
So let us ask with a seekers heart “What is truth?”
The dictionary has this to say… “The facts, correct, not invented or wrong, accurate.” With this as being what truth means I think it is ludicrous when in talking about spiritual matters people say to me “Well Christianity is your truth and this is mine” I just want to be blunt with them and say what a load of Politically Correct... double talk. That statement is rubbish.
The truth is the facts, it is correct and accurate. The truth cannot be more than one thing at a time if the two things are mutually exclusive.
Aristotle was a Greek man who lived before Christ was born and developed a logic system, called Artistolian logic. One point of his logic system is that:
A ≠ non A at the same time .
Something cannot be something and something else at the same time.
1 does not equal 2.
An apple is not a banana .
If I say Jesus is God and someone else says Jesus is not God then one of us is wrong. Logically one of us does not hold to the truth.
So when they come out with the statement in an attempt to try to agree to disagree “That is your truth and I have mine” I want to scream at the illogic. Even Mr Spock would want to Vulcan neck pinch the person into a quivering mess of jelly for saying something so silly.
The correct way to say we differ would be “Well you have your opinion and I have mine.”
Opinions can differ. For example. It is my opinion that hard core rap is an unintelligible distortion of noise. I have friends whose opinion is that hard core rap is music while their opinion about the music I like, is that it is an unintelligible distortion of noise. Well that is your opinion and I have mine.
This type of opinion is called subjective. Subjective opinion is based upon personal feelings. I feel this you feel that. Subjective opinions can differ. You can argue, or even politely discus, the merits of hip hop versus country and western till the cows come home but taste is a personal thing …. and both of you are wrong ‘cause alternative rock is way better than that stuff anyway.
But then we get to Objective Opinions. Objective opinions are not biased they are fair and not swayed by your personal feelings. For example, It is my objective opinion that Canterbury has a better rugby team than Southland. The facts are the facts. Personally I don’t want it to be that way but it is. Subjectively I say Southland rocks, but objectively I say they need help.
Objective opinions are based upon the truth and therefore can be wrong if someone does not have a grasp of what the truth is.
So going back to our statement of opinions when we discuss spiritual matters is the divinity of Jesus a Subjective or Objective opinion? Is the discussion that Jesus is Lord and God based upon facts and the truth or is it based upon personal feelings?
Jesus existed. He walked on this earth, he spoke to people, he ate with them, he made friends, he made enemies. He is an object He is not a feeling. Opinions about Jesus are to be objective opinions not subjective.
Well you have your opinions about Jesus and I have mine people say and the answer back to them is that one of our opinions is wrong.
I know that Jesus Christ is the Truth
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