Monday, 3 March 2008

Things are not looking good for Labour

As this is a non-commercial blog I am allowed to show my displeasure towards the Labour party in such a way that I might actually be trying to convince you not to vote for them. Labours draconian Electoral Finance Act would make it otherwise illegal for me to say ... "Yes the latest polls show they are going down and will crash hard! Keep up the struggle against them"

If I had ads on here and gained money from this blog then it would mean any time I say "Don't vote Labour" I would be in breach of the law.

But here is an interesting graph - it shows a summery of all the polls taken since the last election.

The sort answer is that things are looking bad for Labour and good for National - remember National fought against the EFA all the way and has promised to repeal it "by lunchtime" if elected.

I'm looking forward to having freedom of speech back again. Roll on the November election.

Thanks to Kiwiblog for the summery.

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