Wednesday, 12 March 2008

TenNapel gets a movie deal and the book isn't even out yet.

I just spotted at Ain't it cool news, the TenNapel website and Peter Chattaway announcing that the new Doug TenNapel graphic novel has had it's movie option sold, and that Sam Raimi is down to direct.

I'm looking forward to this. Both the movie and the book.

I got into Doug because he is also a fan of Terry Scott Taylor, and Terry is my number one favourite musician (One of his songs will be my if I could sing songs later today). Terry did the soundtrack to a few of Doug's video games (Neverhood, Skullmonkeys and Boombots) and Doug did the artwork on a couple of Terry's albums ("the best of" and BibleLand). Doug also created Earthworm Jim.

A little bit after all this Dougs first big Graphic novel came out (Creature Tech) I had money so I amazon'ed it and loved it. How can you not love a story that has lines like
"My peers claimed that the giant space eel did not exist! They said I was crazy! Now that I have spent my fortune on a laboratory in the wilderness, swapped hands with a demon, and called a giant space eel to earth perhaps they won't think I am so crazy after all!!!"
Only two of Dougs stuff I have not enjoyed immensely Gear and Black Cherry the rest I heartily recommend - go spend money now!

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